Revitalization & Renewal

Claverack June 19, 2024: The Claverack Historical Society met today at the Claverack Library History Room to continue planning its revitalization. An election of officers took place during the May 7th meeting. The new board includes President Kara Keeler, Vice President Gary Davis, Treasurer Paula Ptaszek, Secretary Jeane LaPorta. Trustees: Nick Zasorin, Charles Schram, Robert LaPorta. President Keeler set the revitalization goals to include a new logo, refreshed membership appeal and renewal forms. The renewals will be emailed to members of record by next week. The next meeting will be held on July 12, 2024, at 5:30PM. Those who are interested in promoting and preserving the history of Claverack are welcome to attend. For additional information please email Kara:

Jeane LaPorta

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